

早幾年為了好運程改了名, 希望藉以改變命運, 當時高調地公諸於世, 以讓名字發揮最大作用, 可是梁大作家卻老愛叫我愛美, 還把這名字套用到她小說中一位美若天仙的女角上, 不禁令我受寵若驚! 最近和一位朋友聊起, 原來, 他亦一直以為我的中文名叫愛美. 既然這樣, 為了聽從民意, 為了沾沾愛美的光, 就把愛美收歸名下吧!

2 則留言:

JameSentiment 說...

對呀﹗愛美這名字很好聽呀﹗我加了您入我的link裡面啦 :D

橋智。巫 G-Chao 說...

Saw the comment you left on my blog .

From you writings, I guess there are a lot of things going on in your mind right now. It is OK to feel a little lost. See it as a beginning of a new journey.

"Love & beauty", that's how I interpret your name. :-)