

放工後, 趁著做瑜珈前的數小時空檔, 從青衣趕到中環, 特意添置一, 兩件上班服.

本打算到平日去開的店, 經過時見裡面似乎沒有什麼新貨色, 就進了隔鄰那家平日看來比較土的一間. 店內的售貨員十分有禮貌, 我挑了兩件衣服她就似乎看通了我的喜好, 搬來大批合意的款式. 我告訴她, 我的預算沒有那麼多呢, 她笑笑說先試了才選擇吧.

終於, 全都買下了.

6 則留言:

Ruth Tam 說...

Nowadays, it's not easy to find something you really like to buy. So, if you really like them, buy them.

Carrie 說...


ChecheBee 說...

hohoho, so leo ah~~~~~~~~~~~

i bought four pieces yday, and just think that it's not enough! shit -_-""""""""

匿名 說...

This is called impulsive purchases. "An impulse purchase is an unplanned or otherwise spontaneous purchase. One who tends to make such purchases is referred to as an impulse buyer.

Marketers and retailers tend to exploit these impulses which are tied to the basic need for instant gratification."

In foreign countries big cities like Vancouver and Los Angeles, the consumer protection laws allow return such merchandise within described period.

In Hong Kong I think there are no such rules.

HAPPY purchases!!!

San Wen Ji 說...



Extraordinary Life 翠斯 說...

這就是誠意, 尊重客人, 及以退為進的今時今日的服務態度!