
太遲? 未算遲?

想躲, 卻明白這是我的崗位,
整晚掛著笑臉, 不停的應酬,
很累, 卻知道這是我的責任,

許多事情, 現在才開始學習,
是太遲, 還是未遲?

決定九月份, 報讀卡奈基課程

7 則留言:

程霜 說...

It took me a while to get use to this type of functions. Actually there is a technique to help you "blend into" this type of function without feeling odd. I can look up my training manual and e-mail you some bullet points if you want.

Ruth Tam 說...

Amy: The Carnegie course is really expensive. Hope you find it useful.

Ching Sheung: Can you e mail me the bullet points? I need the technique but it's just not me to be a party animal.

愛美 說...

程霜: Yes, I would like to know the technique! Please send me the bullet points. THANKS VERY VERY MUCH! ^^

Ruth: Yes, I think so, that's why it takes me 3 years to make the decision to enrol the course. But I think I really need it at this moment.

匿名 說...

hi, i just found that u left 2 comments on my posts, but don't know which are they (old ones i suppose)... :) anyway, thanks for visiting!

匿名 說...

愛美: i found that! it's about the chinese restaurant in tin hau and the one about diary, right? :) thanks!

愛美 說...

mad dog: Yes, that's the two comments I left today.
What a coincidence! Just after I left the comments, my friend called and asked me to meet for dinner at Fu Tung tomorrow. I will order the dishes I recommended and show you the pic. @_<

匿名 說...

ha, enjoy!