朋友肚上有一道小疤痕, 愛漂亮的她, 因為不能再穿兩截式泳衣, 感到十分可惜. 她跟我說想紋一隻蝴蝶掩蓋疤痕. 我說:「肚子上的玉蝴蝶 .... 那是一個十分感敏的部位, 你要考慮清楚.」朋友說:「放心, 我不怕痛的!」我續說:「我不是這意思, 只是, 紋了以後, 你可要確保自己永遠保持狀態, 一點肚腩也沒有. 否則, 你想想那隻肉蝴蝶在你抖動著的肚皮上飛舞的情況吧!」朋友聽罷尖叫起來, 並隨即打消了念頭.
早前的聚會, 看到另一位朋友手指上的紋身十分好看, 有剎那衝動也想一試, 後來還是作罷了. 身邊好些朋友都有紋身, 有時看到他們身上漂亮的圖案, 十分羨慕, 可是想到這東西要跟自己一輩子的, 就沒有興趣去試了. 雖說現在有洗脫紋身的儀器, 可是當中所費的時間, 所要忍受的痛楚, 對我來說實在犯不著.
7 則留言:
I am quite afraid of something permanent. People's taste changes with time. What one likes today may not like it in the future.
Tactoo is like a piece of clothes that you are going to wear for the rest of your life - same color, same size, same style, it will cause you more pain and suffering if you get tired of it and want to make changes....that's why some people started with a small piece and the tactoo gets larger and larger as time goes by.
Try pull some clothes that you have in the past and see if you could still fit and like. If not, go for those water soluble stickers that come with bubble gums......
梁巔巔, Ruth, 程霜: 所以"un" 靚我都會按住自己唔好試的. 不過, bubble gum 個d圖案太可愛啦, 第算一日都咪攪我! :P
Birgit: hehe, 我朋友足足笑左成餐飯... 佢話好驚, 好驚!
JY: 身體上的傷痕可以靠醫生, 心靈上的傷痕惟有靠自己了, 我相信會愈合的!
風信子: ^^
聽聞現在時下年輕一族流行一種紋身叫 "one night tattoo",紋身會在一日或一週後自動褪色而又不着痕跡。喜歡的下次可以另選一款新的,年輕人樂此不疲云云....